~ that early morning cup of coffee — delicious!
~ a good book (a couple I enjoyed this year were The Underground Railroad and Before The Fall)
~ someone reminding me to “breathe”
~ majestic hot air balloons dotting the horizon in the early morning
~ time spent with friends
~ a day with no chores or obligations
~ video clips of animals working together showing me all kinds of differences can get along
~ the sound of a child’s laugh
~ knowing that something I’ve written has created a lively conversation
~ making a difference in someone’s life
~ rain
~ a community of like-minded people
~ someone reading to me and reading to others
~ knowing wealth is in people, not in stuff
~ looking forward to the beginning of the New Year with enthusiastic anticipation
What is it you never get tired of?
My 16 year old grandson that still wants to “hang” and talk with me!
Watching my great grand’s (nieces, nephews, grandchildren) walk, talk, play, laugh and ask all kinds of questions without fear of judgment or ridicule.
Stormy days with dark clouds and just the one bright spot breaking through.
Life lived to the fullest!
I LOVE these things you never get tired of, Fran!
Happy Holidays!