Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash
What a bumbled mess it has been. Politicians’ egos preventing them from doing the right thing – over and over again, for precious weeks – time that could have gotten us much further ahead of the virus.
What about those who profited from the despair of others? Spreading misinformation, hacking into vital information systems, and fear mongering among the most vulnerable? And what about the hoarding? Fearing boredom, I must admit I stocked up on bags and bags of sunflower seeds. Go figure.
And I read.
As I, along with millions of others, watched my world shrink to the four walls of my home, I read. I read to remind myself of the humanity of people, good people, caring people, generous people. I read to escape reality, not by reading fantasy or sci fi but to read stories that entertained the be-Jesus out of me, like The Hidden Life of Trees, The Crane Wife, and The Girl He Used to Know. I read Cosy, the most perfect book while being quarantined and looking for things to do. My emotional well-being was positively influenced by this book!
When I couldn’t have lunch with a friend or invite someone over for a glass of wine, books became my best friends. My online relationships strengthened as email communications became the way to learn of what others were doing and reading to stay sane. While my book club couldn’t get together in person, we shared our views on the current assigned reads.
After curtailing all meetings, our library closed down all aspects of lending – no reserved books being delivered and none needing to be returned until this health crisis passes. I rely heavily on the online reserve list at our local library and get them delivered to me every week. I’m glad to have stacks and stacks of my own personal books, many of which I’ve haven’t read or read lately, to last me years if need be.
My books are not only neutral, neither needing to be sanitized nor held in plastic, they are the salve of my soul. It reassures me that books are going to be around for a long time after this pandemic is merely a footnote in the history books. They sustain us.
Books are a valuable resource to keep us grounded, pleasantly entertained, and never feeling alone.
If you are able to focus, what are you reading to keep going during this difficult time?