New Year’s 2023 – Your Choice

The New Year always brings reflection and inspiration for the future. Some make resolutions, some eschew them. Most seniors look to make small tweaks that can bring increased joy and happiness.

We’re not looking for the thrill of jumping off a cliff and landing safely beyond all odds. We’re looking for the twirling teacups ride at Disneyland or the bunny hill in our cross country skiing ventures (yes, these are my attempt at metaphors … lol). In spite of our best efforts, our plans for joy and happiness can’t be set in stone. We live in a tumultuous world after all.

The only thing for sure that you have any control over is yourself. If you feel a strong desire to resolve something, here are three possible resolutions: 1) slow down, 2) eliminate toxic people from your life, and 3) don’t be one of those toxic people; mind your words and actions.

How happy you are and how much satisfaction you gain in life is not dependent on world events or who is in office or how some people can behave horribly. Your happiness doesn’t disappear because the kids went elsewhere for the holidays or because your spouse ignores you.

Your happiness depends on you. Just you.

All the bitching and complaining won’t help. Plus, it’s sad to let negativity define your life. All we have is to do what we can and let the rest go.

My new mantra in the new year will be to focus on abundance, on the good in the world and to be grateful for all that I have. This is not Pollyanna; this is the new order.

Regardless of events beyond our control, there still is a ton of joy in the world – in our world. It’s up to us to locate it and incorporate it into the way we spend whatever time we have remaining.

Now more than ever elder citizens need to look for happiness and joy and life satisfaction within ourselves. And we do that by not wasting time on the negative. Walk away from negative, unproductive conversations. Walk away from toxic people who love the drama of the negative. When dark days enfold us, when we continue to make mistakes or when a loved one is ill, it takes more effort to locate the good, the uplifting, the positive, but it’s there and it’s worth it.

How will you define youself and your life in 2023?

It’s your choice.