At a recent holiday gathering on Zoom, Dr. Chris Michaels asked attendees what their plans were after COVID. You know, that time when life expands to allow for more activities and, with that, more of everything we’ve been without, like getting close to others and resuming movements that stimulate and educate, without a dark cloud of doom over our heads. Thus began an uplifting conversation about PCC or Post COVID Consciousness.
I’m asking you today to think of the answer to this important question of what you will do. To think of your answer does nothing to denigrate the toll our nation and all its communities have suffered due to the pandemic. It has been a living nightmare that we’ve dealt with for nearly a year. And it’s not over. Depending on individual circumstances, we’ll each do what is necessary to stay safe and keep others around us out of harm’s way.
But life goes on
What will you be doing when all the devastating news of the moment isn’t tied to COVID? Have you used any of the last several months to think about the future, to recognize that now is an excellent time to see what of our old lives we’ll reinstate and what we won’t? Perhaps you’ve taken up new activities that will enrich your life going forward or perhaps you’ve made new friends online that you’re looking forward to meeting in person.
Post COVID Consciousness involves re-incorporating those things that bring you joy, those that more clearly represent who you are and what is important to you, and those things that you know to be true. These include abundance, serenity, gratitude, sharing, and joy. These things didn’t go away during COVID; they just have been hidden by fear, sadness, confusion, and anger.
Now is the time to reclaim your life
How you reacclimate is your personal choice. No one will do exactly as you do as you slide from a COVID consciousness to a recognition that life is perfect, that your life is perfect, and that’s as it should be. But don’t wait too long to make this transition. We know how quickly habits can form, and it’s time to shake off any habits that no longer serve you going forward. For instance, don’t use sleep to avoid life instead of using it to invigorate it daily. Don’t let histrionics of public people suck you in and steal your creative time. Don’t let food that may have soothed become the pablum that leaves you stupefied.
Your mental health may need a substantial boost post COVID. With a vaccine that works, your ability to get out more and see others who can support you in positivity will increase. Take advantage of anything that reminds you of the goodness and bounty of your life.
Never forget
Indeed, the sun did rise and set each day during the past trying months. And, through our trials and tribulations, we continued to keep our lives safe enough to still be here. We’ve all lost things and people, but we’re here. Now is not the time to waste on negative frivolity or ridiculous assertions by other people who are bored, boring, or stuck in a rut of injurious shenanigans.
Now is the time for good. Make Post COVID Consciousness a priority.
What will your PPC rollout look like?