For many years, society has said don’t trust anyone over 30. And even though those over thirty make up the largest segment of the population, the advertising media seems to eschew this significant baby boomer crowd. The senior population has historically been shoved aside and told “It’s all downhill now, baby! You’ve lived your best life, had the most fun, amassed your greatest wealth, enjoyed the most rewards life has to offer and had the best sex you’ll ever experience.” However, this is changing and advertisers are seeing the potential with the older crowd. More and more we hear comments like, “Sixty is the new 40 and 80 is the new 50.”
If I ever doubted at 65 the best is yet to come, all I have to do is think about Louise Hay. This metaphysical teacher and motivational author is currently 86 years old. She was born into a poor and abusive family and ran away from home at 14. She dropped out of school and married at 15 and was pregnant at 16; she gave the baby up at its birth whereupon her husband left her for another woman. In the late 1970’s, she found she had cervical cancer but refused conventional medical treatment and began a regime of forgiveness, coupled with therapy, nutrition, and reflexology. She claimed in an interview that she rid herself of the cancer by this regime. While many would have boohoo’d that the best was nowhere in sight either then or in their future, she saw the positive and turned things around. She studied the New Thought works of authors and spiritual teachers including Ernest Holmes, who taught that positive thinking could heal the body.
Louise Hay has, among many other things, written 27+ books on affirmations and the power of positive thinking to heal anything that needs healing, mind or body. In 1984 she established the Hay House Publishing firm and has worked with the likes of Deepak Chopra, Ester and Jerry Hicks, Oprah Winfrey and Wayne Dyer. Her bestseller,
Heal Your Body, has sold more
than 35 million copies around the world in over 30 languages. She loves to sing, dance, paint and sculpt, endeavors she didn’t even start until well into her 70’s. She is a true representation that the best is ALWAYS yet to come. There are many other celebrities like Louise in the news every day.
While it’s nice to see well-known people who remind us that life can always be very fun and rewarding, I find it particularly heartening to personally know some seniors who epitomize the positive attitude that attracts more of the same, regardless of age. My friend Barbara was one of those people.
I met Barbara when, at age 75, she came to volunteer for me doing some crime prevention research when I worked at the Sheriff’s Department. She and I became friends and when the project she worked on for me ended, she went to work for another department where she completely organized an in-house library of many thousands of books. She acquired and catalogued the entire collection and eventually the library was named after her. We had lots of fun together, playing cards, going out, traveling abroad.
Barbara (r) with our friend Marcia |
When Barbara was 79 she met an 80-year-old British man on a Windjammer cruise. They corresponded and visited each other for a year and ultimately, when Barbara was 80, they married and she moved to England. They had a lovely time enjoying each other before she passed away a few years later. I attended her wedding in Englandand, while visiting, we took the Euro Star speed train to Paris for lunch one afternoon. The last time I saw her she was wearing a bright red beret and a brilliant smile.
Think for a minute, and I bet you’ll realize you know someone who is like this. They’re not famous or necessarily rich and they’re probably older than you. What DO they have that makes them open and receptive to the best when it appears? If I were to guess, I’d say a significant factor is attitude. Sure we all have our bad days but, in general, these people are fairly upbeat and positive. They’re sure there’s good stuff ahead regardless of their age or financial circumstances or marital status, etc. I think, when given the chance, they’re the ones who’ll see the glass as half full, that the grey and rainy days are good opportunities to stay in and read and that the actions of others don’t dictate their happiness.
Us metaphysicians believe like attracts like and we believe the best is now and forever. I aspire to this way of life and I enjoy working on it. I’m grateful I’ve got outstanding role models to keep me knowing the best is yet to come!
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