If winter sends the message that it’s time to slow down, spring sends the message that it’s time to take it up a notch or two. It’s time to open wider to let more in. Breathe deeper, exercise just a little bit harder, listen to hear, not to reply, and be open to new things, experiences, and people.
Spring is all about renewal and hope. It’s about hope that things can be different, both from within and from what surrounds us. Spring reminds me that what I put out is what I get back. It’s time to quit hunkering down and time to finally step your toe in that one thing you’ve been too afraid to do. It’s time to be vulnerable.
Even with hardships, both personal and in our world, I feel fortunate to be right on the cusp of another summer. I’m ready to soak up the warmth of the sun that shines brilliantly on arms that haven’t seen the light of day in months.
I’m reminded to make space for the BBQ, and to make sure all my watering hoses are ready to go for another season, and to replace batteries in my smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. It’s time for the big spring cleaning. I’ll pack away or donate that fur-collared sweater that I didn’t wear for yet another year. I’ll change up soups for salads. I’ll look at new flowering plants at the nursery. I’ll think about an outdoor party and will pull out the plastic plates and glasses for use on the patio.
I smile more in the spring when nature presents sights and smells I’ve missed experiencing. I love when my hummingbird population swells in the warmer weather which means I’ll bring out a second feeder.
Does all this sound too woo woo? Do you need a road map to figure that it’s all up to you, baby!?
Spring is a blank canvas of possibilities. What will you do with yours?