It’s been said that courage is the greatest of all virtues, because if you don’t have courage, you won’t have an opportunity to use any of the other virtues like caring, commitment, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, patience, respect, and so on.
Why is courage important?
Courage is important because it helps us do the things we don’t want to do, are afraid to do, or may receive criticism for doing. If we don’t use courage to push through these uncomfortable situations, we risk lowering our standards by receiving, or by accepting the standard allotment, or by settling for whatever comes our way.
Courage is the catalyst for change.
Courage helps us grow and expand, question and reassure, trust and teach. Without courage we see failure due to indecision, procrastination, and lack of trying.
Courage helps us to stand up to others be they naysayers, bullies, or the ill-informed. Like young children, our elder generation has been pushed into the shadows, disregarded, and not seen as worthy or as contributing to society. It takes courage to buck this trend — but not by yelling, screaming, complaining, blaming, or being the victim.
It takes quiet self-confidence to speak your truth regardless of what the majority is doing.
You know yourself, you know what you want and what you think. You don’t have to push forward to proclaim all those things to the world. If provoked, however, it’s a good thing to share your thoughts and feelings when asked — or when others are trying to thwart your growth.
When was the last time you were courageous?