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What’s to Like?

What’s to Like?

It seems only appropriate to be writing about my love for colder climates in the dead of summer and from the middle of the sunshine state. Oops, I guess that Sunshine State is really Florida, however, California is characterized as mostly sunny too, and is known as the Golden State. Close enough.

I’m a winter girl. Read More »

Not Paying Attention Anymore

Not Paying Attention Anymore

Here are some recent headlines, directed at seniors, that have appeared on my internet feed, in my email, or have

Vignettes on Aging – Curiosity

Vignettes on Aging – Curiosity

The wonderous joy of watching a baby or young child grow into its world can be characterized by many things,

Words of Hope and Healing – Independence Day 2024

Words of Hope and Healing – Independence Day 2024

When day comes, we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?

The loss we carry. A sea

How Far Does Your Forgiveness Go?

How Far Does Your Forgiveness Go?

Forgiveness means different things to different people. In general, it involves a conscious effort to let go of resentment and

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