“Encouragement can provide people with strength to look ahead, move forward, and reach for the next goal. The whole emotional tone of a tough situation can be transformed through encouragement. Somehow things seem a little brighter. Some people offer encouragement in a boisterous way,” … so says Psychology Today.
We could use more encouragement these days! Do we ever get tired of someone nudging us forward lovingly? Don’t we feel loved when we’re reminded by friends and family that we can accomplish all that we want and need? I do.
Encouragement dissolves self-doubt and builds self-esteem.
I also know that if I’m missing encouragement in my life, the way to have it appear and expand is to encourage others. There is always someone in my sphere of acquaintances who could use hearing my reassurances that they have everything they need to reach their goals. Helping others by encouraging them reminds me that I have everything I need to be successful too! I don’t need more money or more schooling or bigger and fancier housing, or another darned thing to achieve all that I want in life.
Many of us have perfected the art of criticism – the opposite of encouragement. Hang out in any group conversation and see how much critical or judgmental talk there is compared to talk of exposing the goodness of others and goodness of life around us. I suggest we increase our talents of encouraging others. Look for someone who could benefit from your encouragement. Then don’t wait to share your caring words with that person. Everyone wins!
What are some words of encouragement for yourself?
What are some words of encouragement for others?
I needed to read this more than I realized. Long story about my automobile but the short version is….the words in the first paragraph of your blog, “tough situations……
Thank you, again, Antonia. You deliver the messages I need to hear at the right time.
Thankful, grateful and blessed.
Thank you, dear Fran, for your kind words. I really am grateful for the way we encourage each other.