What I Know For Sure In 2021
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

As my 73rd birthday rounds the bend, I’ve been reflecting on where I’ve been in my personal happiness and growth and asking myself what I want my future to look like. I’m not hoping or wishing. I’m not begging or groveling. I know straight up that what my future looks like is up to me.

Ah, but you say:  what about the possibility of a severe illness or – worse yet, COVID? What about the death of someone you love? What if something happens to your beloved pet, Kali? What if the future is uncertain because of a lack of resources? These are indeed horrible things and any of them would be devastating, but I’d go on. I might not go on the way I intended or for very long, but there’d be something there, even if only for a few hours.

In the process of thinking of the future, I’ve spent time identifying those things I’m sure of for me today. This list is not complete. I will add new items in the future, but this list isn’t flighty either. It’s made up of things I truly believe, things that are solidly engrained in my psyche. While my list is understandably personal, I’m happy to share some items that may also be on your list.


  • Every day brings a new opportunity to be better.
  • Having a dark, rich cup of tasty coffee is a most delightful way to start my day.
  • If I don’t reach out to others, eventually no one will reach out to me.
  • Books are some of my best friends.
  • Change will come, whether I welcome it or not.
  • No one can steal my joy; if it goes it’s because I gave it away.
  • Daily gratitude is just as important in my health and well-being as brushing and flossing.
  • I am not my age:  I am a writer, reader, good friend, and a fierce and loving mom to my fur baby.
  • I vote for myself every day.
  • Learning new and different things will always be a priority.
  • There’s never enough time.
  • There is no coincidence; everything happens for a reason, usually for me to learn something.
  • My spirit leads me to all good things when I listen to it.
  • My happiness in the future is up to me.

What do you know for sure today?